Tricks on a Longboard for Beginners

If you’re new to longboarding, or even just skating in general, it can be daunting trying to learn all the different tricks. But never fear! We’re here to help with a few basic tips and tricks that every beginner should know.

Even if you’ve never stepped foot on a board before, by the end of this article you’ll be ready to hit the pavement and start shredding like a pro.

If you’re new to longboarding, or even if you’ve been skating for a while but haven’t tried this type of board yet, you may be wondering what the best tips are for getting started. Luckily, we’ve got a few tricks up our sleeves to help you out! Here are some beginner-friendly tips to help you get started on your longboard journey:

1. Start by learning how to balance on the board. This is key to being able to ride safely and efficiently. Take some time to practice in an open area without any obstacles around. Once you feel confident balancing, you can start working on other skills.

2. Next, focus on learning how to push off correctly. You want to make sure that your weight is evenly distributed on the board before pushing off with your back foot. Use your front foot to guide the direction of travel as you begin moving forward.

3. Once you’re comfortable moving around, it’s time to start practicing turning. Again, proper weight distribution is key here – avoid putting all your weight on either end of the board as this will make turning difficult and could cause you to lose balance and fall off entirely. Instead, keep your weight centered and use small body movements to direct the board where you want it to go.

4. And finally, once you have all of these basics down, it’s time to start having fun! Experiment with different speeds and turns and find out what feels most comfortable for you.

What is the Easiest Longboard Trick?

The easiest longboard trick is the ollie. The ollie is a skateboarding trick where the skater pops the board into the air with their feet, while simultaneously jumping off the ground. To do an ollie, place your front foot near the middle of the deck and your back foot towards the tail.

Bend your knees and jump up, using your back foot to slide across the tail and pop the board into the air. As you’re jumping, tuck your legs underneath you so that you can land on top of the board in a riding stance. If you want to make things even easier, there are some longboards that come with a special device called an “ollie bar” which helps to lift the board into the air.

How Do You Start Tricks on a Longboard?

If you’re new to longboarding, or just want to learn some basic tricks, here’s a few tips on how to get started. Before you start trying any tricks, it’s important to practice proper form and technique. This means keeping your feet shoulder-width apart, your weight evenly distributed, and your knees slightly bent.

Once you have the basics down, you can start working on more advanced techniques. One of the simplest and most common tricks is called an Ollie. To do this trick, simply place your front foot near the center of the board and pop the tail with your back foot.

As the board pops up, jump off the ground and land with both feet on the deck. Other popular tricks include 180s, 360s, grabs (where you grab the board with one hand), and slides (where you deliberately lose traction by sliding across pavement). These all require a bit more practice and technique than an Ollie, but once you get them down they’ll look great when done correctly.

So whatever trick you’re looking to learn, remember to take things slowly at first and focus on perfecting your form before moving on to more complex maneuvers. With a little practice, anyone can become a master of longboard tricks!

Is It Harder to Do Tricks on a Longboard?

Longboards are usually longer and wider than skateboards, which makes them more stable and easier to ride. However, this also means that they are less maneuverable than skateboards, so doing tricks on a longboard can be more difficult. Additionally, the extra weight of a longboard can make it harder to get air when you’re trying to do jumps or other tricks.

If you’re just starting out with skating, it’s probably best to start with a skateboard so that you can learn the basics before moving on to a longboard.

What is the First Thing You Do on a Longboard?

Assuming you have a longboard and are ready to ride, the first thing you need to do is get on the board. You will need to place your front foot near the center of the board and your back foot about halfway between the center and the tail. Once you have both feet in position, lean forward until your weight is evenly distributed across the board.

Now that you are on the board, it is time to start moving. Use your front foot to push off from the ground and begin gliding forward. As you gain speed, you can use your back foot to help propel yourself forward.

Once you are moving, try leaning from side to side to turn in different directions. You can also use your feet to control your speed by applying pressure with either one or both feet. The more pressure you apply, the faster you will go.

So that is basically it! Just remember to stay balanced and have fun!

10 Beginner Longboard Tricks YOU Should Try


Tricks on a Longboard Surfboard

Are you looking to take your longboarding to the next level? If so, then you might be wondering what sorts of tricks you can do on your board. While it might seem like there aren’t many options available to those who ride a longboard, there are actually quite a few tricks that you can learn.

In this blog post, we’re going to show you some of the best longboard tricks out there. One of the most popular longboard tricks is called the “nose slide”. To do this trick, you simply ride up onto the nose of your board and then slide down it.

This is a great way to show off your balance and control, and it looks really impressive too! Another good option is the “tail slide”. As the name suggests, this one involves sliding down the tail of your board instead of the nose.

This trick takes a bit more practice to master but it’s definitely worth learning if you want to impress your friends! If you want to go even bigger with your tricks, then why not try an “air Slide”? This one involves riding up onto a ledge or ramp and then sliding down it without touching the ground – it looks absolutely insane when done correctly!

Finally, one of our personal favorites is the “powerslide”. To do this trick, you need to get up some speed and then quickly turn your board 90 degrees so that you’re sliding sideways. It sounds easy but it definitely takes some practice (and guts!) To master – once you’ve got it though, it’s an incredibly satisfying move to pull off.

Can You Do Tricks on a Longboard

Longboarding is a great way to get around town, but did you know that you can also do tricks on a longboard? Here are some of our favorite tricks to try out next time you’re cruising down the street:

1. Ollie – This is one of the most basic skateboard tricks and it’s also one of the easiest to learn on a longboard. Simply pop the tail of your board up while jumping in the air and you’ll be able to perform an ollie in no time.

2. Kickflip – A kickflip is similar to an ollie, but instead of popping the tail of your board, you’ll need to flick it with your foot while in mid-air. This will take some practice, but once you get it down it’s a really impressive trick.

3. Heelflip – A heelflip is another variation on the kickflip where you use your heel instead of your toe to flick the board. This one takes even more practice than a regular kickflip, but it looks really cool when done correctly.

4. Board Slide – If you want to show off your longboarding skills, then this is the trick for you. To do a boardslide simply ride up onto an object (like a bench or picnic table) and slide along its surface using your board as balance. It sounds simple enough, but it’s actually quite difficult to master and looks really impressive when done well.

5. 360 Flip – The 360 flip is definitely one of the most challenging tricks on this list, but it’s also one of the most rewarding when pulled off successfully. To do a 360 flip, start by performing a normal kickflip then quickly rotate your body 360 degrees so that you land back on your deck perfectly balanced. Like we said, this trick takes tons of practice but once you nail it there’s no feeling quite like it!

Longboard Tricks Names

There are a ton of longboard tricks out there and they all have different names. Some of the most popular tricks include Ollie: This is a basic trick where you jump off the board and land back on it.

180: A 180 is when you spin the board around so that it’s facing the opposite direction.

360: A 360 is just like a 180, but you spin the board all the way around multiple times.

720: A 720 is when you do two 360 spins in a row.

Basically, you’re spinning around multiple times!

How to Pivot on a Longboard

Pivoting is a fundamental skill for longboarding. It allows you to change directions quickly and smoothly, without having to pick up your board or slow down. Here’s how to do it:

1. Start by riding in a straight line. When you’re ready to turn, shift your weight onto your front foot.

2. Bend your knees and lean into the turn. As you start to turn, use your back foot to push off the ground and help rotate your body.

3. Keep your arms close to your body and tuck them in as you turn. This will help you keep your balance and avoid falling off the board.

4. As you exit the turn, shift your weight back onto your rear foot and straighten out your legs.

Longboard Dancing Tricks

Longboard dancing is a relatively new discipline that has developed from the popularity of longboarding as a whole. It is similar to skateboarding in that it involves performing tricks and maneuvers on a board, but the key difference is that longboarders use their boards for transportation as well as recreation. This means that they are often more comfortable riding at high speeds and performing complex tricks than skaters.

As such, longboard dancing has become its own distinct activity, with its own set of tricks and techniques. The most basic longboard dancing trick is the slide. To perform a slide, the rider simply tilts the board to one side and uses his or her weight to cause the wheels to lose traction.

The result is a smooth, controlled slide that can be used to change directions or stop abruptly. Slides can also be combined with other tricks, such as spins and flips, to create more complex routines. One of the most popular longboard dance moves is called the footbrake.

To perform a footbrake, riders place their back foot on top of the rear truck (the part of the board that holds the wheels) and apply pressure until the wheel skids to a stop. This move is often used to transition into other tricks or simply add an element of style to a routine. Other popular longboard dance moves include:

  • The handstand: Riders’ balance on their hands while riding on two wheels is very impressive!
  • The nose wheelie: Riders balance on only the front truck, causing the nose of the board to point skyward another great way to impress onlookers!
  • The powerslide: A variation on the basic slide where riders use their momentum to spin around 360 degrees perfect for showing off your skills!

Longboarding for Beginners

Longboarding is an increasingly popular activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and abilities. If you’re thinking about giving it a try, this guide will give you all the information you need to get started. Before you start longboarding, it’s important to choose the right equipment.

The most important piece of equipment is the board itself. There are many different types of longboards available on the market, so it’s important to do your research and choose one that’s right for you. Once you’ve found the perfect board, make sure to also invest in a good helmet and pads to protect yourself from injury.

Once you have your equipment sorted, it’s time to start learning how to ride! The best way to learn is by starting off slow and practicing in an open area away from traffic. Beginners should focus on mastering basic techniques like stopping, turning, and avoiding obstacles before moving on to more advanced tricks.

With practice, you’ll soon be carving down hills and cruising around town like a pro!

Longboard Tricks With No Tail

A lot of people think that you need a tail on your longboard in order to do tricks, but that’s not the case! There are plenty of great tricks that you can do without a tail. Here are just a few examples:

1. Frontside or Backside Airs: These are pretty self-explanatory. Just pop the nose or tail of your board off the ground and into the air!

2. Ollies: Again, fairly straightforward. You can do an ollie without a tail by popping the nose of your board up while simultaneously kicking your back foot down hard. This will cause the front wheels to come off the ground and hopefully land back on them perfectly afterward!

3. No Complys: A no comply is basically an ollie with a 180 spin thrown in for good measure. So instead of just popping the nose up, you’ll also need to twist your body around so that you’re spinning in mid-air before landing back on your feet (or rather, on your wheels). It sounds complicated but once you get the hang of it it’s actually really fun!

4. Shuvits: A shuvit is when you pop the nose or tail of your board and make it spin 360 degrees underneath you before catching it again and landing back on top of it. This one takes some practice but once you nail it, it looks awesome!

5. Nollies: A nollie is like an ollie except instead of popping the nose up, you pop the tail up while simultaneously kicking your front foot down hard (the opposite of what you would do for an ollie).

Cruising Longboard Tricks

Longboard cruising is a great way to get around town, and it’s also a lot of fun. There are plenty of tricks you can do on a longboard, and we’re going to show you some of our favorites. One of the most basic tricks is the footbrake.

To do this trick, simply put your back foot on the tail of the board and drag it along the ground to slow yourself down. This is a great way to control your speed when coming down hills or just cruising around town. Another great trick is the power slide.

To do this, start by riding at a good speed and then quickly shift your weight to one side of the board. This will make the board spin out from under you and you’ll end up sliding sideways for a bit – it’s super fun! Just be sure to do this in an area with plenty of room so you don’t crash into anything (or anyone).

If you want to get really fancy, try doing a nose manual. This trick starts with your front foot on the nose of the board and your back foot off the tail. Then, lean forward until your front wheels come off the ground and balance yourself there for as long as you can.

It takes practice to master this one, but once you get it down it looks really cool! Those are just a few ideas to get you started – there are endless possibilities when it comes to longboard tricks so have fun exploring them all!


If you’re new to longboarding, or even skating in general, it can be a little daunting. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with some tips and tricks to help get you started! For starters, it’s important to find a board that is the right size for you.

Once you have your board, practice basic moves like stopping, turning, and carving. These will help you get a feel for the board and how it responds to your movements. Once you’re comfortable with these basics, you can start trying out more advanced tricks like manuals (wheelies), 180s, and ollies.

Just remember to practice safety first and always wear protective gear!

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