Skateboard Wheels on Roller Skates

If you’re looking for a new way to get around, why not try skateboard wheels on roller skates? This unique combination can provide a fun and efficient way to travel short distances. Plus, it’s a great workout!

Here’s what you need to know about skateboard wheels on roller skates.

If you’re looking for a fun way to get around, why not try skating with skateboard wheels on your roller skates? This unique setup is sure to turn heads and get you where you need to go in style. Just be careful – it might take some practice to get used to skating with skateboard wheels!

Best Skateboard Wheels on Roller Skates


Can I Use Skateboard Wheels on My Roller Skates?

Most quad roller skaters will tell you that you cannot use skateboard wheels on your roller skates. The main reason for this is that the bearings on skateboard wheels are not made to withstand the rigors of skating, and will quickly wear out. Additionally, the hardness of skateboard wheels is not ideal for skating, as it can make for a very bumpy ride.

However, if you are determined to use skateboard wheels on your roller skates, there are a few things you can do to extend their life and make them work better. First, invest in some good quality bearings. This will help your skateboard wheels last longer and roll smoother.

Next, make sure to get softer wheel durometers (a measure of hardness). Softer wheels will absorb shocks better and give you a smoother ride overall. Finally, keep your skating surface clean and free of debris; this will help prolong the life of your skateboard wheels (and bearings).

Can You Put Any Wheels on Roller Skates?

There are a few things to consider when wondering if you can put any wheels on roller skates. The first is the size of the wheel. Most roller skate wheels are between 70 and 72 mm in diameter.

You will also want to make sure that the hardness of the wheel is appropriate for the type of skating you will be doing. For example, softer wheels are better for beginners or those who skate recreationally, while harder wheels are better for more experienced skaters or those who skate competitively. Finally, you’ll want to make sure that the axle of the wheel is compatible with your skating boots.

While most quad roller skate axles are 8mm in diameter, some brands use different sizes so it’s important to check before making a purchase.

Do Roller Skates And Skateboards Use the Same Bearings?

No, roller skates and skateboards do not use the same bearings. Roller skate bearings are typically made of steel, whereas skateboard bearings are made of ceramic or plastic. The different materials used in each type of bearing affect both the durability and performance of the respective skate or board.

For example, steel bearings are less likely to break down over time than ceramic or plastic bearings, but they also tend to be slower than their counterparts.

Can You Skate With Longboard Wheels?

Most longboard wheels are too soft to skate on, but there are a few brands that make harder durometer longboard wheels specifically for skating. These include Orangatang Stimulus, Seismic Speed Vent, and Powell Peralta Snakes. So yes, you can skate with longboard wheels, but make sure you get the right ones!

Can you put skateboard wheels on roller skates?

Skateboard Wheels on Roller Skates Reddit

Skateboard wheels on roller skates have been a popular mod for years, and it’s easy to see why. The extra width of the wheels provides more stability and grip, while the increased diameter helps with speed and rolling over rough surfaces.

There are a few things to keep in mind if you’re thinking about making this modification to your own skates.

First, you’ll need to make sure that your frames can accommodate the larger wheels – most standard frame sizes should be fine, but it’s always best to check before you buy.

Second, you’ll want to choose wheels that are specifically designed for skating; not all skateboard wheels will work well on skates. And finally, be prepared for a bit of a learning curve; it may take some practice to get used to skating with wider wheels.

If you’re looking for an easy way to improve your skating performance, give skateboard wheels a try!

Skate Wheels for Roller Skates

If you’re looking for a new set of skate wheels for your roller skates, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, think about the size of the wheel you need. Skate wheels come in a range of sizes from 50mm to 100mm.

The larger the wheel, the faster you can go. But be careful – too large of a wheel can make it difficult to control your skates. Next, consider the hardness of the wheel.

This is measured on a scale from 1 to 100, with 1 being the softest and 100 being the hardest. Softer wheels are better for beginners as they’re easier to control. Harder wheels are better for experienced skaters who want to go fast and do tricks.

Finally, think about what kind of skating you’ll be doing most often. If you plan on doing mostly street skating, look for wheels that are designed for concrete and asphalt surfaces. For indoor skating or skating on smoother surfaces like wood or tile, choose wheels that are made specifically for those surfaces.

No matter what kind of skating you’re planning on doing, make sure to get a good quality set of skate wheels. Cheap wheels can break easily and cause accidents. A good pair of skate wheels will last you years and help you enjoy your skating experience more than ever before!

Outdoor Roller Skate Wheels

Inline skating is a fast-paced, relatively new sport that has rapidly gained popularity in the past few years. Outdoor roller skate wheels are specially designed to provide the best possible ride on pavement and other smooth surfaces.

Most outdoor roller skate wheels are made of polyurethane, which is a durable material that offers good grip and shock absorption.

The hardness of the wheel is measured in a durometer, with lower numbers indicating softer wheels. Softer wheels are better for beginners, as they provide more traction and make it easier to control your speed. Harder wheels are better for experienced skaters who want to go faster and perform tricks.

The size of the wheel also affects its performance. Smaller wheels are lighter and easier to maneuver, but they don’t roll as fast as larger wheels. Larger wheels roll faster, but they can be more difficult to control.

Most outdoor roller skate Wheels range in size from 50mm to 62mm. When choosing outdoor roller skate Wheels, it’s important to consider what type of skating you’ll be doing most often.

If you’re mainly interested in speed skating or racing, you’ll want harder, smaller Wheels that can reach high speeds quickly.

Roller Skate Park Wheels

If you’re a fan of skate parks, then you know that having the right wheels is key to a good skating experience. And if you’re new to skate parks, then you might be wondering what kind of wheels are best for skating on the various surfaces found there.

Here’s a quick guide to choosing the right roller skate park wheels:

Concrete: For skating on concrete, you’ll want hard wheels that can withstand the rough surface. Polyurethane (PU) Wheels are a good option, as they’re durable and provide a good grip. You’ll also want to avoid softer wheels, as they can wear down quickly on concrete.

Wood: Wood is a bit more forgiving than concrete, so you have more options when it comes to wheel hardness. Soft or medium-hardness wheels will do well on wood surfaces. Again, PU Wheels are a good choice here, as they provide good grip and durability.

Metal: Metal surfaces can be found in some skate parks, usually in the form of rails or ledges. For these surfaces, you’ll want harder wheels that can stand up to the abuse. Urethane (UH) Wheels are a good option for metal surfaces; they’re very durable and provide a good grip.

Avoid softer wheels on metal, as they can get damaged quickly.

Longboard Wheels on Roller Skates

If you’re a fan of roller skating, then you’ve probably considered using longboard wheels on your skates. Longboard wheels are larger and wider than traditional skateboard wheels, which makes them perfect for cruising around town or hitting the open road.

However, before you make the switch, there are a few things you should know about longboard wheels on roller skates.

First, longboard wheels will impact your skating style. If you’re used to skating with smaller wheels, then you’ll find that longboard wheels make it easier to maintain your speed and momentum. However, this also means that it’s more difficult to stop and turn abruptly.

As such, it’s important to be aware of your surroundings and give yourself plenty of room to maneuver when skating with longboard wheels. Second, longboard wheels can be more challenging to control than traditional skateboard wheels.

This is due in part to their size and width; however, it’s also because they have a softer durometer (a measure of hardness).

A softer durometer means that the urethane is less dense, making the wheel feel “grippy” on the pavement. This can take some getting used to if you’re not accustomed to it; however, once you get the hang of it, you’ll find that soft-wheeled longboards provide a smoother ride overall.

Finally, keep in mind that not all roller skate brands offer longboard-compatible models.

In general, only higher-end brands such as Riedell or Sure-Grip offer skates with wide enough trucks (the metal plates that attach the Wheels) to accommodate longboarding Wheels.

That said, even if your current pair of skaters isn’t compatible with longboarding Wheels, there are aftermarket truck adapters available that will allow you to use them. Whether you’re looking for an easy way to cruise around town or want a new challenge on the open road, consider giving long boarding Wheels a try.

Just be sure to keep the above information in mind so that you can safely and effectively enjoy this unique skating experience.

Best Outdoor Roller Skate Wheels

There are a few things to consider when purchasing outdoor roller skate wheels. The first is the hardness of the wheel. Softer wheels grip the pavement better, making for a smoother ride, but they also wear out faster.

Harder wheels don’t grip the pavement as well, but they last longer. The second thing to consider is the size of the wheel. Larger wheels roll over bumps and cracks in the sidewalk better than smaller wheels, but they also make it harder to do tricks and tight turns.

The third thing to consider is the shape of the wheel. Some people prefer square-shaped wheels for stability, while others prefer round wheels for a smoother ride. No matter what your preference is, there are outdoor roller skate wheels that will suit your needs.

Be sure to do your research before making a purchase so you can find the perfect set of wheels for you!

Roller Skate Wheels near Me

If you’re looking for roller skate wheels near you, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, check your local sporting goods stores or skate shops. Many of these retailers will carry a variety of brands and styles of roller skate wheels.

Another option is to search online retailers or classifieds websites. You may be able to find used or new roller skate wheels this way. When searching online, be sure to read the seller’s reviews and terms before making a purchase.

Finally, if you know someone who is an avid roller skater, they may be able to recommend a good place to buy wheels near you. Skaters often have strong opinions about the best brands and types of skate wheels, so this can be a great way to get some insight into what might work best for you.


A user on Quora asked if it was possible to put skateboard wheels on roller skates, and received a variety of responses. The most popular answer seems to be that yes, it is possible, but not recommended. Skateboard wheels are designed for smooth surfaces, while roller skating rink floors are usually rough.

This can cause the skateboard wheels to wear down quickly and make it difficult to control your speed. In addition, skateboard trucks are not designed to support the weight of a person, so they may break if you try to use them for roller skating.

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