Longboard Tricks List[You Should To Try]

Most longboarders will tell you that the best way to learn new tricks is to simply get out there and start practicing. However, if you’re just starting out, it can be helpful to have a list of tricks to work on. That’s why we’ve put together this longboard tricks list, which includes both basic and advanced tricks.

Whether you’re looking to impress your friends or just want to add some variety to your riding, these tricks are a great place to start. And once you’ve mastered them, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a master of the longboard!

Longboards are a great way to get around town and have some fun at the same time. Here is a list of tricks that you can do on your longboard:

1. Ollie – This is the most basic trick in skateboarding. You simply jump up and land on your board with both feet.

2. Kickflip – A kickflip is when you flip your board 360 degrees in mid-air using your back foot.

3. Heelflip – A heelflip is similar to a kickflip, but you use your front foot instead of your back foot to flip the board.

4. Pop shove-it – A pop shove-it is when you pop the nose of your board up into the air and then spin it around 180 degrees before catching it with your other foot.

5. Frontside 180 – A frontside 180 is a simple trick where you spin your board around 180 degrees while riding the switch (non-dominant foot forward).

What Cool Tricks Can You Do on a Longboard?

Assuming you are talking about skateboarding tricks, here are 10 cool tricks you can do on a longboard:

1. Ollie – The ollie is the most fundamental skateboarding trick and is the basis for almost all other tricks. It involves popping the board into the air with your feet still on it.

2. Kickflip – A kickflip is a variation of an ollie where you flick the board with your foot to make it spin in mid-air before catching it again. It looks really impressive when done well!

3. Heelflip – A heelflip is similar to a kickflip but instead of using your toe to flick the board, you use your heel. This one takes a bit of practice to get right but once you nail it, it looks great!

4. 360 Flip – A 360 flip (also known as a flip) is another variation of the kickflip except that you make the board rotate 360 degrees in mid-air before catching it again. This one looks really impressive and takes quite a bit of practice to get right!

5. Varial Kickflip – A varial kickflip is basically a regular kickflip with an added180-degree rotation at either end, so the board does two full spins in mid-air before you catch it again. It looks awesome when done properly but can be quite difficult to master!

6. Bigspin Flip – A big spin flip is similar to a varial kickflip except that instead of rotating 180 degrees at either end, you rotate 270 degrees (a full 3/4 spin). This makes for an even more impressive trick that looks amazing when executed perfectly! However, this one takes even more practice than a regular varial kickflip so be prepared to put in some time if you want to learn this one!

7. Impossible Trick – The impossible trick is exactly what its name suggests… impossible (or at least extremely difficult)! It’s essentially a variation of an ollie where you pop the board up and over yourself while spinning in mid-air… all without taking your feet off the deck! Needless to say, this one will take some serious skill (and luck!) to pull off successfully but it’s definitely worth trying if you’re up for a challenge!

8 . No comply -The no comply trick is performed by approaching an obstacle (e.g., curb) from an angle and flipping your longboard up onto it without using your hands. As you land back on top of the obstacle, absorb the impact by bending your knees slightly and then quickly stand up again on top of the longboard as if nothing happened! This trick looks really smooth when done well and can be used to impress people or simply get over obstacles while skating around town.

9 . Manual -A manual is performed by rolling along on just two wheels (i.e., not touching down with any part of both feet or either hand) and then balancing in this position for as long as possible. Once you start getting good at manuals, try doing them across uneven surfaces like curbs or stairs for extra points! Not only do manuals look cool, but they can also help improve your balance & coordination skills which will come in handy for other skateboarding tricks too. 10.

Can U Do Tricks on Longboard?

There are a few different types of longboards – cruiser, carving, and downhill – and each is suited for different kinds of riding. Cruisers are the most versatile and can be ridden for transportation, leisurely cruising, or even some light tricks. Carving boards are designed for turns and tight maneuvering, while downhill boards are made for speed and stability on steep hills.

With that said, all longboards can be ridden for fun and tricks – it just depends on what you’re looking to do. For transportation purposes, you’ll want a board that is comfortable to ride and easy to control. If you’re looking to cruise around leisurely, any type of longboard will do.

And if you want to get into doing tricks, carving boards are generally the best option (though cruisers can also work).

Some basic tricks you can do on a longboard include: pushing (riding without using your feet), sliding (stopping by sideways friction), 180s/360s (turning in place), manuals (wheelies), ollies (jumping with the board), grabs (holding onto the board mid-air), and grinds (sliding along objects).

With practice and patience, you can learn just about any trick out there – it just takes time to master them.

How Do You Start Tricks on a Longboard?

If you’re new to longboarding, the thought of doing tricks can be daunting. But with a little practice, you can start busting out some basic moves in no time! Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

1. Start by practicing on flat ground. Get comfortable balancing and pushing yourself around before attempting any tricks.

2. Once you’re confident balancing, try riding down a small hill. This will help build up your speed for tricks.

3. When you’re ready to start learning actual tricks, begin with simple ones like the ollie or kickflip. These are relatively easy to learn and don’t require too much speed or height.

4. As you progress, move on to more advanced tricks like manuals (wheelies) and slides. These require more skill and practice, but are definitely achievable with some dedication!

5. The most important thing is to have fun and not get discouraged if things don’t go perfectly at first. Everyone starts somewhere and everyone falls down–it’s all part of the learning process!

How Do You Dance on a Longboard?

There are a few different ways that you can dance on a longboard. The first way is by doing the basic two-step. This is where you put your front foot on the board and then your back foot.

You then shift your weight from one foot to the other and repeat. Another way to dance on a longboard is by doing what is called the pretzel. To do this move, you put your front foot on the board and then quickly bring your back foot around and over your front leg. You then twist your body so that you are facing sideways and repeat.

10 Beginner Longboard Tricks YOU Should Try


Longboard Dancing Tricks

Longboard dancing is a popular way to show off your skills on a longboard. There are many different tricks that you can do to impress your friends and onlookers. Here are some of the most popular longboard dancing tricks:

1. The Ollie: This is the most basic trick in longboard dancing. To do an ollie, you simply jump up and land on your board with both feet at the same time. You can use your hands to help you balance if needed.

2. The Pop Shove-It: This trick is similar to an ollie, but instead of jumping up, you pop the front of your board into the air and then catch it with your back foot before landing on both feet at the same time.

3. The Kickflip: This trick looks impressive and is relatively easy to do once you get the hang of it. To do a kickflip, jump up and place your front foot near the center of the deck while kicking out with your back foot. As your back foot makes contact with the tail of the board, flick it upwards so that it spins around in mid-air before catching it again with your back foot and landing on both feet simultaneously.

4. The Heelflip: This trick is similar to a kickflip but instead of using your back foot to flip the board, you use your heel! Simply jump up and place your heel on top of or near the center of the deck while kicking out with your other leg. As soon as contact is made, quickly flick upward with the heel of your foot so that it rotates in mid-air before catching it again and landing on both feet at the same time.

Longboard Tricks Surfing

Longboard Tricks Surfing A lot of people think that longboarding is just like surfing but on a bigger board. While this may be true to some extent, there are actually quite a few tricks that can be performed on a longboard that cannot be done on a surfboard.

Here are just a few of the most popular longboard tricks:

1. Ollie – This is probably the most basic and well-known skateboarding trick there is. It involves popping the tail of the board off the ground and letting the nose slide up into the air. You can then catch it with your front foot and ride away. This trick can also be done on a longboard, but it takes a bit more practice to get it right.

2. Pivot – This is another basic skateboarding move that can also be done on a longboard. To do this trick, you simply need to lift up your back foot and pivot around on your front foot. This looks really impressive when done at high speeds and with lots of styles!

3. Cross-step – This is a great way to keep your balance while riding down hills or across uneven terrain. To do this trick, you simply step one foot over the other in an “X” shape as you ride along. This will help you maintain your balance and gives you more control over your board.

4. Carve – Carving is basically turning on a longboard (or any type of board for that matter). To do this trick, you need to lean into your turns and use your weight to carve through the turn.

Tricks on Longboard

In order to become a good longboarder, it is important to learn some basic tricks. Here are a few essential longboarding tricks that every rider should know:

1. The Ollie – This is the most basic and essential of all longboarding tricks. It involves popping the board off the ground and catching it again with your foot. To do this trick, you will need to place your front foot near the center of the deck and your back foot near the tail. Bend your knees slightly and jump up into the air, using your back leg to pop the board off the ground. As you jump, quickly slide your front foot forward so that it catches the board before it falls back down.

2. The Nollie – The nollie is simply an ollie performed with your front foot instead of your back foot. So instead of jumping off with your back leg, you will use your front leg to pop the nose of the board up into the air.

3. The Feeble Grind – This trick involves grinding on an object such as a railing or ledge with only one truck’s worth of wheels touching down at a time. Start by rolling up to whatever object you want to grind on and then place only your front truck onto it while keeping your rear truck in mid-air.

once both trucks are touching down on top of the object, shift all of your weight onto your front truck until only its wheels are touching down (hence why this move is called a feeble). To get out of this move, simply transfer all of your body weight back onto both trucks simultaneously and roll away cleanly!

Cruising Longboard Tricks

When it comes to longboarding, there are two main types of tricks – those done on a flat surface, and those done while cruising. Cruising tricks are usually more complex than flatland tricks, and require more speed and momentum to execute properly. One of the most popular cruising tricks is the nose manual.

To do this trick, you place your front foot on the nose of the board and lift your back foot off the ground. Then, using your front foot only, you push the board forward and balance on the nose for as long as possible. This trick takes a lot of practice to master, but once you get it down it looks really impressive!

Another great cruising trick is called an atomic drop. To do this, you start by riding up to a curb or small ledge and then dropping down onto it with both feet at once. As soon as you hit the ledge, quickly jump back up onto your board and keep riding away!

This trick looks really cool when done correctly, but be careful not to overdo it or you could end up hurting yourself. If you’re looking for a challenge, try combining these two tricks into one smooth move known as the “nose manual atomic drop”! This combo looks awesome when executed properly, but again – be careful not to bite off more than you can chew (literally!).

10 Easy Longboard Tricks

If you’re looking to get into longboarding, or just want to learn some new tricks, here are 10 easy tricks that anyone can learn.

1. Push: This is the most basic move on a longboard and is how you get around. To push, simply place your back foot on the tail of the board and push off with your front foot.

2. Coasting: This is when you ride without pushing. To the coast, simply let go of the board with your feet and glide along.

3. Footbraking: This is a way to slow down or stop without using your handbrakes. To footbrake, put your weight on your front foot and drag your back foot along the ground.

4. Turning: To turn, lean in the direction you want to turn and use your feet to steer the board in that direction. You can also use your handbrakes to help make sharper turns.

5. Carving: Carving is when you make big sweeping turns while going downhill. To carve, lean into your turns and use your feet to steer the board from side to side as you go downhill. You can also use your handbrakes for sharper carving turns.

6. Sliding: Sliding is when you intentionally skid out Your rear wheels by braking hard or sharply turning. It’s useful for slowing down or stopping quickly but takes practice to master so you don’t wipe out. When sliding, be sure to keep. 

7. Cruising: Cruising is simply riding around at moderate speeds, enjoying the wind on your face, and taking in the scenery. It’s a great way to relax and enjoy longboarding without having t 8 perform any fancy tricks.

Longboard Pivot

A longboard pivot is a type of turn that is used when riding a longboard. It is a maneuver that allows the rider to change directions quickly and efficiently. The longboard pivot is performed by shifting your weight to the front or back foot, depending on which way you want to turn.

This shift in weight causes the nose or tail of the board to lift off the ground and swing around, allowing you to change directions. The longboard pivot is a versatile move that can be used in a variety of situations. It is often used to avoid obstacles in your path or to make quick turns when necessary.

It can also be used as a stylish move when cruising down the street or carving through turns. If you are new to longboarding, practicing this maneuver will help you become more comfortable with turning and will make your rides more enjoyable.

Longboard Tricks With No Tail

Since the tail is the widest part of the longboard, it provides stability when performing tricks. However, this does not mean that you can’t do tricks without a tail. There are several ways to perform longboard tricks without a tail, and we’ll explore some of them in this blog post.

One way to do tricks without a tail is by using your front foot to pivot the longboard. This can be done by placing your front foot on the nose of the longboard and gently pressing down. This will cause the longboard to rotate around your front foot, allowing you to perform various tricks.

Another way to perform tricks without a tail is by using your back foot to press down on the rear truck. This will cause the longboard to pivot around the rear truck, allowing you to perform various tricks as well. Finally, you can also use both feet simultaneously to press down on either side of the board.

This will cause the board to rotate around its center point, allowing you to perform various 360-degree spins and other impressive tricks!

Drop Through Longboard Tricks

A drop-through longboard is a type of longboard where the deck is attached to the trucks from below. This lowers the center of gravity and makes the board more stable, which is perfect for beginners. However, it also means that you can do some pretty sick tricks on a drop-through longboard that you couldn’t do on a regular longboard.

Here are just a few:

1. Drop Through Nose Grinds: This trick is basically a grind where your nose (or front) truck drops down onto an object like a curb or rail. To do this trick, approach your object at an angle and then quickly push down on your nose while jumping slightly to get over the object. As you land, make sure that your nose truck stays on the object while your back truck rolls off.

2. Drop-Through Slides: A slide is when you make your whole Board slide across an object like a handrail or picnic table. To do a drop-through slide, approach your object at an angle and then quickly jump up and place both feet on top of the deck near the front trucks. Bend your knees and lean back as you start to slide down the object. As you reach the end of the object, jump off and land safely on your board.

3. 50-50 Drops: The 50-50 drop is when half of your board hangs off an edge while half remains on solid ground – hence the name “50-50.” To do this trick, roll up to an edge like a curb or staircase and then place one foot in front of the other so that each foot is hanging off opposite sides of the edge.

Slowly lower yourself down so that both trucks are hanging off the edge before finally dropping down completely but don’t forget to grab those boards before they disappear!


Longboarding is a great way to get around, but it can also be a lot of fun. There are a variety of tricks you can do on a longboard, and this list will give you some ideas. From simple tricks like turning and stopping, to more complicated ones like riding backward or doing wheelies, there’s something here for everyone.

So get out of your longboard and start practicing!

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